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HRM bike parking

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HRM  bike parking Empty HRM bike parking

Post by Piet Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:48 pm

For those that ride to work and pay $2,000 + a year on parking, this might be of some interest that I have been working on for over two years. My grammar etc. might not be the best, and challenge anyone out there to support your fellow bike riders. in particular this Wednesday " Ride to Work" Looks like Sue Utech does!

Below is a string of emails, best to start at the bottom with the letter to MR. Kelly and work your way up.

From: Sue Uteck []

> Sent: Tuesday, July 15,
2008 12:15 PM

> To:

> Cc: Ken Reashor

> Subject: Re: Halifax
Bike Parking - A Progressive thought


> Piet- i had asked for
this last august and again this july. We can do

> this in house and do
not need leg. Changes from the province. Have

> copied traffic services
on this as well.

> Regards

> Sue


> -----Original

> From: piet mars

> To: Uteck, Sue

> Creation Date: 7/15
12:08 pm

> Subject: FW: Halifax Bike Parking - A Progressive thought


> Sue,


> Thank you for ensuring
that scooters and motorbikes are brought to the forefront in HRM. The attached email below is one I send the
Mayor last year.


Obviously he interpreted to mean bicycles. My
mistake I should have

> been more
explicit. This year I have asked him for
an update, no response.


> At the bottom you will
see Toronto's
parking bylaw. Many cities have created
space for two wheeled commuters. One suggestion for downtown Halifax was to turn the empty lot behind the
TD building into a small (paved) lot, which is too small for cars to park but
big enough for quite a few bikes?

I don't mind paying something for parking but
not more than what it

> takes me for gas.. ( 30
to 45 min commute).


> Thank you for your time


> Regards

Piet Mars
BMWONS president '08

> From:

> Sent: Friday, March 23,
2007 12:06 PM

> To: Piet Mars

> Subject: Re: Halifax
Bike Parking - A Progressive thought


> Thank you for
writing. I know there are some places to
park and lock bikes now. Obviously not near where you work. I will ask the bikeways and transportation planners when and where more
might be located.


> March 22, 2007


> Peter J. Kelly

> Mayor

> Halifax Regional

> (902) 490-4010


> Dear Sir;

> Last couple of years
there was a graveled area where numerous scooters and bikes parked at the old Tex Park
site. It was convenient, safe (from
theft) and out of traffic and sidewalk areas.

> The land Owners soon
realized that it is possible to turn this into a cash cow and opened the area
up for about a dozen cars. Leaving us no place to leave our bikes. As you can
see from the attachment below Toronto
realizes that you can park more bikes
than cars and the emissions would be less, gas mileage would be in the 40miles/gal + range
and less traffic snarls. This would fit
nicely in with the popular topic of "Green" and Halifax traffic

I personally commute with my bike when I can
and can save 20 dollars a week on gas,
however that is no saving if I have to spend 50 dollars on parking.

> I realize that for
Halifax having all parking meters designated might not be advantageous to the
City cash flow, but in the interest of doing something positive I suggest that Council could look at
designating a few parking meters around the city ( since you could probably
park 4 or 5 bikes in a parking spot)
or some convenient place off the street
for a number of bikes to park. A bike
friendly city, imagine that. A very progressive thought for Halifax
don't you think??

Thank you for your time


Piet Mars

City of

Bill 910 amends the various by-laws to provide
for the exemption to

motorcycles from payment at on-street parking
meters and parking machines.

> This by-law is
effective upon enactment by Council (which was October 28, 2005). As such, this by-law is now in effect,
and motorcycles are now, exempt from
standard parking fees at all on-street parking meters or parking machines.


> Bills 912 to 926 amend
the various parking by-laws to permit motorcycles to

> park, where on-street
parking is lawfully allowed, at an angle, but not more than sixty degrees to
the curb.

Number of posts : 198
Location : halifax
Registration date : 2007-12-03

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HRM  bike parking Empty Re: HRM bike parking

Post by Dino Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:59 pm

Are you going to introduce yourself in this thread?

Number of posts : 432
Location : Cole Harbour, NS
Registration date : 2007-11-20

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